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Geography Quiz


Geography Quiz

1) What is the only continent with land in all four hemispheres? Africa                         

2) Which river flows through the Grand Canyon? Colorado River

3) Where is Angel Falls, the world’s largest waterfall, located? Venezuela

4) What is the state capital of New York? Albany

5) On what continent would you find the world’s largest desert? Antarctica

6) What is the capital of Ireland? Dublin

7) What is the smallest US state by area? Rhode Island

8) What is the tallest type of tree? Redwoods

9) True or False: Holland is a region in The Netherlands? True

10) What are the 5 Great Lakes? Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario

11) How many European capitals does the Danube flow through? 4

12) Fill in the blanks: The capital of Bulgaria is _ofi_ - Sofia

13) What is the capital of Canada? Ottawa

14) In what capital would you find The Little Mermaid statue? Copenhagen

15) On what continent would you find the city of Baku? Asia

16) What is the only flag that does not have four sides? Nepal

17) How many stars are on the Chinese flag? 5

18) How many colors are used in the South African flag? 6

19) What colors is the flag of the United Nations? Blue and White

20) Which country features a shipwreck on its national flag? Bermu

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